Sunday 4 March 2012


Over the past few days I have been experimenting a lot with the ideas that I have working towards my final image for this 'cyborg' themes assignment. Having come to the decision that I want to use the viewfinder of a camera as the top layer to my images - as what I am trying to show is how we have become so reliable on the technology of cameras and the fact that photographs are starting to take over pretty much everything that occurs on a daily basis. I personally love photography, however I don't think it is such a good thing that cameras have become this popular so fast, it seems like everybody has a camera no matter what, they are used for such a wide variety of things as well, I sometimes wonder what it was like many years ago when there was no such thing as a camera, did people view things differently knowing that they couldn't capture it, it was something they could only view the once, and forever have the memory of it.

I thought about the different about the different types of images I could use to create layers to my images, however after looking at the few experiments that I have produced in the previous two post's, more so the last post; I don't feel that layering different images together makes the outcome very interesting, it just makes them look a bit odd to look at and something doesn't seem to look right within them. I decided to back track a little on that point and decided to go out and take some of my own photographs around my local environment, taking photographs that include some part of the body doing a task - keeping in mind the cyborg theme and the fact that I have to use some part of the body and something that is technology related within my work.

I have produced a variety of different experiments using eight images of my own; as well as using different types of view finders showing the focus squares, the ISO and the aperture amongst other things simply to see the different effects that could be created with each one and the type of impact they produce. The experiments that I have produced are below;

Viewfinder 1;

Viewfinder 2;

Viewfinder 3;

Viewfinder 4;

I'm not sure at this point if I am going to develop on one of these experiments - as i'm not too sure what else I could do the them as I feel like they are all getting the point in which I want to express across already, or if I am going to produce a new piece, either way, I am very pleased with the point I am at now, considering a week ago I was doing something so different and I wasn't really sure on the direction I was going in, I feel I have made good progress and feel I am now able to successfully show my views through these images.

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