During the presentation we had yesterday for the introduction to this brief I wrote down some notes, bullet pointing some of the areas that were discussed during this time.
- Human bodies
- Representation of the body
- Technology
Items that are extensions of us:
- Cars
- Mobiles
- Computers/laptops
- Ipods
- Cameras/photographs
A few ideas:
- Power and discipline
- Ethics
- Morals
- Photo montage
- Our relationship to things
- Technological development
- Improving what we can do as humans
Below are the names of some people that I am going to research as a starting point, so I can gain different ideas allowing me to come up with some ideas and direction:
- Donna Harraway
- Wafaa Bilal
- Fritz Kahn
- Raoul Hausmann
- Hannah Hoch
- Martha Rosler
- Peter Kennard
- Stelarc
A few articles/websites I am going to look at are:
- The Guardian's website
- A Publications about body and society
- Silvian Thompkins - article about our bodies responses
Films I am going to watch as a starting point:
- Metropolis (1927)
- Terminator 2
I also intend to read the book 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Khan.